Sunday, April 21, 2013

21/4/13 Villafranca de Los Barros ➡ Torremegia 28km

21/4/13  Villafranca de Los Barros ➡ Torremegia 28km

Big day today, so on the road by 7.05am.
Absolutely beautiful sunrise this morning. 
Again my friend the cuckoo has deserted me.
Today was hard going as it was straight the whole way. Everyone, except me hated it.           I actually like this straight walking as I get into a rhythm and let my mind wander wherever it wants to go.  I guess 28km of straight road is a little boring!

I was thinking about all that we have achieved so far. We have walked for 8 days  straight and so far covered over 190km, by tomorrow we will have hit the 200km mark.

 Our little party of now 5 is hurting. Each of us has aches and pains in different body regions. It's so funny to see all the pilgrims do the shuffle. For all those past pilgrims you will know what I'm talking about. The moans and groans when you sit or stand for too long. The grunts and exertion it takes you to bend  over and pick up something you have dropped. Each pilgrim makes a different noise, but all the others nod and sympathise.

We have 16 km to do tomorrow and that brings us into Merida. We will probably say goodbye to Gunter, Bridgette and Giovanni here as we do need a rest day. I will be so sad to say goodbye but I am so thankful that we have been able to spend this time with these fabulous people. 

Our dinner last night made from the wild fennel collected on the way was fantastic. I think it was the best risotto I have had. We had a table of 9 last night and we did make quite a bit of noise. At one stage another pilgrim came out to tell us to be quiet. Well that worked for about 5 mins before we all were in fits of giggles.  Personally I think they were jealous they weren't having such fun  as we !! 

We have booked into this fantastic Albergue that has a bar and serves dinner so no super mercado shopping or trying to find food. We just go downstairs and we are fed and watered, then back up stairs to bed. Perfect, how much better can it get! 


  1. oh i do love a good stretch out!!!!!!! julie

  2. i am really enjoying your photos jo...... just beautiful.......julie
