Friday, April 19, 2013

19/4/13 Calzadilla de Los Barros ➡ Zafra 19km

19/4/13 Calzadilla de Los Barros ➡ Zafra 19km

Today we renamed  this Camino The Via de la Agua.  We had so many rivers to cross.
We were up early, funny that, I'll have to use another expression soon as I think I say that in every post.
Off we went into the semi dark. The road this morning was quite pretty once we left town. 

As I am usually the last to arrive I came round the corner and Cristy was telling me to go back. The way was flooded and she was stuck in some reeds trying to back track.
I made a detour trying to see where the others were and ended  up in a big bunch of reeds and weeds. Cristy behind me I almost fell backwards with her pushing me forwards. I couldn't lift my legs over the reeds and was getting tangled.

We finally made it thru only to then have to cross this tiny bridge made with a branch. Giovanni and Bridgitte directing and using their walking poles to help us across.
After much laughter and sock wringing we were on the road again.
This post is sounding quite musical !
Another watery crossing, more laughter,more sock changing and off again.
Hence the Via de la Agua !

Wearrived safely at the Convent we are staying at and for €1.50 had our clothes washed in a real washing machine. Such luxury !!!!!!

We are eating in again tonight, something Vegan style as we have now lost Jana and gained Jurgen !

Adios for now!                                                                                  

1 comment:

  1. Im concerned that you 'lost' a pilgrim - he's not stuck in the reeds is he? I'd look for him if it means you don't have to eat vegan food! Love the views in these pics. Deb
