13/5/13 Santa Croya de Tera ➡ Rionegro del Puente 29km
Oh I'm tired.
29km today and it was hot this afternoon.
Good terrain, beautiful day.
We took a wrong turn with the Dutch, but got there in the end.
6-8km of boring scrubland but at least the road was good. We had taken the Via Romana, which we think is the old Roman road and we didn't see a yellow arrow for at least 1-2hrs.
We finally made it to a road where Cristy boldly got a truck to pull over and she asked directions. We were headed in the right direction and over the rise we met up with the Belgium's and Germans.
We then walked with them the rest of the way.
We stopped in this little town where we think Cristy got a sort of proposal. This man wanted to take her home and feed her eggs and vino.
He told us there was no bar open, so we trudged on.
As we left the town we found this fantastic little Albergue that can accommodate 4 pilgrims. We stopped for a drink and a biscuit.
It was so nice. Then it was back on the road for the last 6km.
We arrived in Rionegro around 4.30pm after starting the days walk at 7am.
Then Albergue is beautifully renovated and our fiends had got us beds in the top floor.
Chicas only tonight.
After last night sleeping next to the Swissa who snored 5seconds after his head hit the pillow and kept it up all night, I am exhausted.
We say goodbye to our friends from Belgium and Germany tomorrow as they are not going as far as us. They have been wonderful to walk with and a fountain of knowledge. We will miss them.
Another big day tomorrow so I will sign off.
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