12/5/13 Tabara ➡ Santa Croya de Tera 21.5km
Had the best day today.
Great terrain, great weather, no pain anywhere, pack comfortable, magnificent !
Managed to have a break finally with some others before they all ran off.
Only one big hill that I could have avoided if I hadn't followed the arrows!
Oh well, still made it to town in one piece and saw a wild bunny rabbit, he was huge, but too far away to photograph. I have a blur of something in the distance.
We have met lots of new faces and have had numerous international dinners.
Currently we are travelling with some Belgium's, French, Germans and another Australian.
We can't keep up with the Swiss but we seem to bump into them on a regular basis and they have been at the same pit stops for the last couple of nights.
Had a big wash day today and that always brings some excitement having clean clothes for the coming days.
The Albergue we are staying in is great. Really well set up with meals and of course laundry. Bonus is a hot shower even though the lights are on a timer and there is no light switch in the shower stall. Fumbling in the dark and trying to turn the light on by reaching out the door is quite the feat.
We took a walk across the bridge to the next town to check out the famous St James Church and we were lucky to have it opened for the pilgrims and also get a stamp for our credential.
Now just waiting to have dinner, then bed.
Big day tomorrow. Might have a hill or 2 to climb.