Yeah ha we made it !!!
What a day, up at 6am to beat the rush!
A quick cafe & toastada to begin the walk.
We walked the majority of this 16km stretch with, Giovani, Salvatore and Bridgit.
The walk today was broken up into 2 legs, the first 16km on the highway and the second 13 km in the forest park.
Just before the end of the highway walk, Cristy and I stopped for a break and met up with Roberto.
Up the hill to the eucalyptus grove and a short walk to the gates of the park.
We managed to have lunch with Jana ( East Berlin) and Roberto ( Italy ) in a shady spot before tackling the last 10km.
Quite a pleasant walk the terrain was good if a little rocky to begin with.
We took our time.
Cristy hoofs it up the hill at a decent pace whilst me, Ms slow poke shuffles, my way up, I came round a corner and there she was in a grove of trees, getting strength to slog it up Calvary Hill.
Just let me say I was swearing like a trooper looking at this hill. After so many extra kilometres and the heat of the day, it was not a pleasant sight. Lucky I learnt technical walking with the wild girls, it came in handy today.
I popped a barley sugar after a rest and onwards and upwards we went.
We must have been complaining loudly because we had a little divine intervention with a lovely breeze or two to help us!
We finally made it to the very top and then it was a very quick decent down to the town.
Not bad going for 2 old girls, we started this morning at 7.30am - and arrived in the town at about 3.45pm.
We have booked into a private Albergue tonight, as the public one was another kilometre or so !
Oh I suppose I should mention, we both have blisters after today, so I am not impressed, but think I got it early so will see how it is tomorrow.
The heat here is killing my feet.
I can't believe I walked the 4 days with my feet soaked, up hill, down dale, in snow and not one blister, put a bit of heat and slightly swollen feet and for me disaster!
Well only a short 16km tomorrow.
Look after your feet, they have to carry you a few more k's yet!
sorry to hear about your feet, ope your magic foam works