Wow what a day.
We knew it would be big, but OMG !
Started early with churros and on the road by 7.10 as we had the big 33km.
Beautiful scenery today but we again had the wonderful head wind pushing us back.
I can't even begin to explain how hard it is to walk into that knowing you have such a long stretch.
It is the worst x infinity !!!!!!
Today went on and on and on.
The last 6km before the Albergue would never end. 2 bridges and endless road.
Alright already I've had enough !
The end was finally insight and down a dirt path to a pretty snazzy newish Albergue. Shower excellent, bed wonderful, only 3 in our room tonight, yippee.
My feet are really sore but no blisters, Cristy is the same.
We have aches and pains but that's to be expected, but we are so happy.
Now sitting in the sun, it's 7.51pm sipping on a Tempranillo, bliss.
Dinner then bed !