31/5/13 Negreira ➡ Olveiroa 35km
Ouch my feet hurt!
Big day today, so many pilgrims. The race was on for beds.
Some of the pilgrims get up at 5am, banging and crashing down the metal steps.
It's pitch black outside but I guess that ever elusive bottom bunk calls to them.
Surprise, surprise I have a bottom bunk.
The only draw back is, is that the shower and toilet are across the road in the other bunk house. God help me if I need to pee pee in the middle of the night!
Got a small blister on my heel today so I am quite annoyed, but it should be ok it's not in to bad a place and I have burst it so I hope that it dries out quickly and doesn't make a pest of itself.
I have a new Spanish friend called Fernando. He is 72 and a bit of a speedy Gonzales. We stopped and had a bebida at lunchtime, so now we are best buddies. We are in the same bunkhouse tonight with a million blankets but no heating. This could be interesting.
I think I am going to have to wear everything I have to keep warm.
Good terrain and scenery today but a lot of blacktop walking which is hard on the feet, hence the blister, me thinks.
Haven't really been that inspired to take many photos so far, as the weather is just holding but grey and overcast so the contrasts aren't that great.
Will need to decide which way I am going tomorrow. Fernando thinks I should go to Muxia first with him, and then it will be one more day to Finisterra. Will see how the pies are in the morning and make my decision then I think.
Just returned from a great pilgrims dinner with the Italians, French and Spanish. Mix of languages but so much fun. It's taken me a while to feel comfortable on this mini Camino, I haven't really enjoyed it until this evening. The race for beds is a real distraction from the walking. Will take it easy mañana and go with the flow.
It's almost complete, my walk across Spain.
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